Adda with Kalyan: The YouTube Chefs #Hangout
This week's Adda with Kalyan had a very interesting panel who took on the world of YouTube cooking and video recipes. India Food Network's Editor-at-Large, Kalyan Karmakar chatted with our network chefs Ananya Banerjee, Harsh Shodhan and Anjali Pathak and touched upon some useful tips for anyone who wishes to start their own YouTube channel.
While home chef Ananya Banerjee highlights that cooking at your own home kitchen makes a lot of difference giving the viewers a sense of belonging, UK-returned chef and food writer, Anjali Pathak stresses it is important to have one dish with good presentation ready before shooting the video. Harsh Shodhan, who runs a gourmet catering company, believes that simple recipes are the key to have a successful food channel on YouTube.