Kolambi Biryani
Make tihs kolambi biryani and surprise all the prawn lovers in house!
- By Archana ArteLoading...
- | 30 Jun 2017 3:14 PM IST
1. Heat a pan, add 4 tbsp oil, 2 fine chopped onions, 1 medium tomato (fine chopped), coriander leaves and mint leaves.
2. Mix well and cook until the tomatoes get soft, add salt to taste, 1 tbsp ginger, garlic and coriander paste, mix well and cook for about 2 mins.
3. Add 1/2 tsp black pepper powder, 1 tbsp chilli flakes, 2 tbsp fried onions, 200 gms prawns, mix well then add little water, cover and cook for 5-10 mins.
4. Parboil the rice for 5 mins and add it to the cooked prawn gravy, cover and cook for 10 mins.
5. Biryani is ready to serve.

Archana Arte
Archana shares simple recipes, cooking techniques and kitchen hacks to make delicious Maharashtrian food. Watch Archana prepare simple yet mouth-watering recipes on Archana�s Rasoi.
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