3 Healthy 'Unjunked' Recipes
- By India Food NetworkLoading...
- | 1 Aug 2014 6:19 AM IST
You are on a diet and it's one of those days when you just can't control your craving for junk food.
Well, here's a list of 3 best 'unjunked' food that you can eat while you are on your never-ending diet.
1. Burger
Yes! This is something that is available in every nook and corner of your city. But don't forget you're
on diet. It's best to get a mixed vegetable and tofu patty topped with low-fat mayo. You can simply
add a lot of vegetables to add to your health. And avoid fried patty and a lot of cheese. You can also
replace your fried patty with a grilled one.
To know recipe for burger click here
2. Dahi Chaat
A very desi dish that you cannot imagine not eating. But your diet list says a big NO to chaat on
the streets that you see on your way to the gym. Here's a healthy way of bring an end to your daily
craving. A chaat inspired by salad that you can enjoy without having to worry about calories.
To know how to make Dahi Chaat click here
3. Home Made Pizza
Oh yes! pizzas! You just cannot control the time when you have to have a pizza. But since you're on
a diet, the best thing to satisfy your craving is home-made pizzas. Look for whole-wheat pizza-dough
balls at your supermarket. Make sure the ingredients do not contain any hydrogenated oil. You can
always use the green or yellow pepper instead of red pepper or swap it out for our favorite veggie.
Then the choice is yours. You can add the best toppings of your favorite veggies. Avoid too much
To know how to make Pizzas click here
So, it doesn't matter if you are on a diet and crave for some junk food. These delicious recipes of
turning junk food to healthy food will keep your cravings at bay.

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