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To Eat Or Not To Eat Chicken During Coronanavirus
- By Shreya JalavadiaLoading...
- | 18 Feb 2020 12:09 PM IST
CORONAVIRUS!!! So many misconceptions & so many point of views around Coronavirus is making us wonder as to what exactly is true! If you're someone who's confused about all those Whatsapp videos you've been getting about this virus, these are the 4 things you must know! Debunking myths is not our forte but when rumours spread about food, it somehow makes us want to clear the air for you. Can we eat chicken? Should we eat garlic? Should we stop eating ice creams? Is the cure ginger? So many questions & so little clarity. Let's clear the air.
What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause flu like symptoms in humans. The World Health Organization has called this particular strain 2019-nCoV and the disease it is causing is called COVID-19. This is not the first time Coronavirus has affected humans, the SARS outbreak in 2002 was another example.
1. Fact: Chicken is safe to eat.
Be it broiler or another!
According to BOOM, a fact-checking organization, "Chickens in India cannot be linked to Coronavirus which has so far claimed 2012 lives and has more than 75000 confirmed cases. Bats are suspected to be the primary source of the new virus through preliminary studies conducted in China and reported by the Lancet."
After speaking to Dr. Satyendra Swain, Director of Central Poultry Development Organization, Mumbai, he clarifies, "This is a rumour. Broiler chicken is not a source of the new Coronavirus. This has not originated any where other than China and is being transmitted through human to human transmission."
Now, while the chicken lover in you is rejoicing, here's a recipe, we bet you'd love to indulge in.
Along with chicken, we decided to give you some insight on these foods too that are associated with Coronavirus.
2. Fact: Refraining from eating ice cream only prevents cold & cough, not Coronavirus
Another myth that BOOM busts for you is that not eating ice creams will prevent Coronavirus! It is a false claim. You know it's just like when you were a child & your mom didn't want you to eat ice cream, she'd scare you with the word, INJECTION. Just like that Coronavirus is a scare too! It has nothing to do with eating ice creams. Sure, you'd catch a bad throat or cold if you eat too much but nothing like Coronavirus.
BOOM contacted Dr. Shilpa Verma, Critical Care Medicine specialist at Saifee Hospital and Bhatia Hospital in Mumbai to understand if the Whatsapp message can be considered to be true. "These are common cold causing substances and have not been linked to the Coronavirus. The transmission is limited to China which can travel to other countries through infected individuals", Dr Verma stated.
Had you stopped eating ice creams after you got that Whatsapp message? If yes, here's a treat for you to break that fast!
3. Fact: Consuming Boiled Garlic Water DOES NOT cure Corona Virus
As clarified by World Health Organization (WHO), there is no specific prevention or cure yet for Coronavirus. According to BOOM, after researching the effects of garlic water on colds and Coronaviruses on major scientific portals such as Google scholar, Research gate, PubMed, studies have explained the link of garlic water with common colds. It is considered to be a common home remedy.
Areee... yeh toh ghar ka nuska hai, sardi-zukham mitane ke liye and not The Coronavirus, guys! If you have cold & cough, do use this method but not with the intention of curing this disease! And, if garlic is your true bae, here's an amazing recipe for you.
4. Fact: Again, boiled ginger water IS NOT the cure for Coronavirus
After multiple posts on Facebook shared tens of thousands of times during the ongoing novel coronavirus epidemic in February 2020 claim ginger can "cure" coronavirus infections if it is boiled and consumed on an empty stomach, BOOM had to get to the bottom of it. The claim is misleading; health experts say there is no scientific evidence boiled ginger can definitively relieve people of the viral infection, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised those showing symptoms to seek immediate medical help, instead of testing home remedies.
Sipping on something hot & warm will always make you feel good, if you're coming down with a flu. If it gets worse, doctor ke pass jao yaar, afwao (rumours) pe mat believe karo! Chalo isi baat pe, ginger pineapple smoothie ho jaaye.

Shreya Jalavadia
Think of her as a delicacy. She could be a red sauce penne pasta or refreshing strawberry smoothie. A little sweet, quite tangy and unapologetic on the palate. Her soul is that of a gastronome, mind of an illustrator and heart of a writer. She uses these ingredients to plate up tasty stories about food at India Food Network as an Associate Editor. Be it her blogs, articles, reviews or food shows; she promises a wholesome affair.