6 Trending Superfoods You Must Consume In 2019
- By Shreya JalavadiaLoading...
- | 11 March 2019 2:50 PM IST
It's time to say your byes to blueberries, kales and avocados of the world. (I'm sure they aren't going anywhere from the international superfood list). For us Indians, this year is more about being true to oneself and one's body. With Superfoods being the core of our health discussions, we're bound to get free advice as to what's beneficial and what's in trend. With that playing on minds, not all superfoods are readily available and that's a plight of Indian markets.
Today, the millennials are interested in knowing the source of their ingredients and choose to eat responsibly. It's pretty daunting to keep up with these trends and stick to the flavours of the moment. So, here I am, making your lives easier bringing you a list of few superfoods that aren't difficult to make or find.
If you're asking yourself, what is Moringa? Get used to this word as it's here to stay. Moringa is the new entrant in the world of lattes and smoothies! Like Matcha, it is used to make teas, shakes, yoghurt or green juice. This natural leaf supplement's superpower is that it is high in nutrients, has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tissue-protective properties. Packed with vitamin C and calcium, this caffeine-free powder is a natural energy booster.
2.) Tumeric
Commonly found in Indian households, Turmeric powder is wearing the cape now, being a powerful spice powder. You can add it to your smoothies, teas, soups, bread and snacks. Its amazing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits make it one of the best superfoods. Not only does it lend a golden-orange tinge to brighten up the dish but it's an ancient spice that's profoundly known for its health benefits.
3.) Watermelon Seeds
What's healthier than a watermelon? It's watermelon seeds! A new food trend list of 2019 has announced that watermelon seeds are healthy, defying our childhood nightmares. Our grandmother and mothers once told us that eating a watermelon seed will grow a watermelon tree in the stomach. It is 2019's remedy for urinary infections, kidney function, improving skin, and reducing fevers. Rich in protein, it can be roasted, toasted, mashed or consumed just like that.
4.) Nut Oils
While plant-grown nuts have 'good for you' fats, fibres, and a whole lot of minerals, its oils are considered as a superfood. We as consumers are really conscious as to how much oil we use while cooking. And nut-based oils kind of solve our concern of unhealthy food consumption. They contain high levels of omega-3, monounsaturated fats and vitamin E that lowers cholesterol and fights inflammation.
5.) Ancient Grains
Quinoa is not the only wholesome superfood when it comes to grains. Indian grains like Amaranth or Rajgira, Sorghum or Jowar, Pearl Millet or Bajra and Nachni or Ragi have been consumed even before it became globally popular. Bajra, Jowar and Amaranth are gluten-free grains that are packed with vitamins and minerals, which include B-complex vitamins and copper, calcium, zinc, potassium and phosphorus.
6.) Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are the latest way to tang up your dishes and they've emerged for the second time as a food trend. This includes foods like yoghurt, kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut. Fermented foods are really beneficial to keep your gut healthy. And, a healthy gut is synonymous with overall health. You know this trend isn't dying anytime soon when your Instagram feed is inundated with fermented recipes that you just can't ignore.
It's quite a pretty bunch of ingredients that can be mixed and infused to make a recipe that is good for the body and soul. Each and every ingredient can be sourced locally

Shreya Jalavadia
Think of her as a delicacy. She could be a red sauce penne pasta or refreshing strawberry smoothie. A little sweet, quite tangy and unapologetic on the palate. Her soul is that of a gastronome, mind of an illustrator and heart of a writer. She uses these ingredients to plate up tasty stories about food at India Food Network as an Associate Editor. Be it her blogs, articles, reviews or food shows; she promises a wholesome affair.