Deuce Choco Pizza By Mini Mathur
What's great? A chocolate dessert. What's even better? Chocolate Pizza! This recipe is an absolute delight for the chocoholic in you made with the rich chocolatey flavour of Pure Magic Deuce. Go ahead and try this quick and easy Deuce Choco Pizza by Chef Mini Mathur in today's #BritanniaDessertCarnival special.;
- Make a pizza dough with flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water and make soft pizza dough.
- Rest for 15 min.
- Roll pizza dough in round shape slightly thicker.
- Bake the pizza base for 8 to 10 min.
- Remove it from oven while pizza base is warm add drizzle chocolate syrup. Add topping chunks of deuce biscuit and then marshmallow, mix berries and brown sugar.
- Gratinate for some time.
- Scoop the nuts icecream on pizza and serve.