6 Ways Potatoes Can Make You Live Longer!
How many times have you heard that if you are on a diet you should avoid potatoes? The little innocent thing has earned such a bad reputation as “unhealthy and fatty food “ that dieters run away simply by the mention of its name. But do you know that potatoes are a recommended diet food, especially for those who lack essential vitamins and fibre in their body.
The potato isn't inherently bad, and it shouldn't be treated as such. However, when the potato is smothered in cheese, mashed with mayo, and doused in sour cream or is deep-fried – the value of the potato loses its shines. India Food Network list five reasons why you should love potatoes and eat it too!
Good for people with high blood pressure: The skin of the potato is loaded with potassium which plays a crucial role in lowering blood pressure. One large spud baked with the skin on contains at least 1,600 milligrams of potassium, nearly half the recommended amount for an entire day and almost four times as much as a medium banana. Potato also serves an essential electrolyte key to hydration and athletic performance.
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin C: Think of Vitamin C, think of potatoes! Do you know that one medium sized potato has 45 per cent of your daily value of vitamin C? Not only vitamin C is essential to boost your immune system, studies also show that having adequate amounts of vitamin C can help keep stress levels down by stopping the secretion of stress hormones.
Potatoes contain fiber: The skin of the potatoes is the healthiest for its fiber content. Fiber aids in weight-loss, keeps your heart health and improves digestion. Eating a potato with its skin can be a good way to put more fiber into your diet. To get more health benefit from the skin, try topping your it with broccoli and salsa.
Potatoes are fat-free, sodium-free, and low in sugar: Contrary to popular believe, potatoes are low in sugar and sodium, and, hold on to it, does not contain any fat!! Yes, we say once more, does not contain any fat. Also, one medium size potato contains about one gram of sugar. But if you fry that innocent potato and top them with loads of unhealthy fats and salt, it surely is bad diet food.
Potatoes are loaded in manganese: You might be less familiar with this nutrient, but that doesn't mean you don't need it. Manganese plays an essential role in processing protein, carbs and cholesterol and may also be involved in bone formation. One large potato with the skin on contains 33 per cent of your recommended daily amount of manganese.
Rich in vitamin B6: This vitamin does much of its work "behind the scenes," which aids in producing essential brain hormones. With 46 per cent of your daily recommended B6, a potato, with the skin on is a good place to start.