Living in a big city has several benefits. But struggling for space can be a constant worry. If you live in a metro, and find yourself fighting for extra space to grow your own kitchen garden, this is for you.
With a few tricks and care, you can create a small yet cute gardening spot in your apartment. We are talking of a window garden that is not only easy to maintain, but also gives your house a sunny makeover. You can grow coriander, cherry tomatoes, herbs, chillies, lemons, spinach and lots more.
Look for a sunny spot: First things first; choose a window which gets ample sunshine. Given most plants require a lot of natural light, look for a sunny spot with at least four hours of sunlight daily. Windows facing south or south-west is recommended.
Decide what you wish to grow: If you fancy cooking with freshly-plucked oregano or basil, herbs are your best bet. They also give your ordinary windowsill a great makeover and can easily sustain with a few hours of sunlight. Choose herbs that you cook with frequently like parsley, coriander, oregano, chives, rosemary and thyme.
Go for planters with drainage: Your pots will come with holes for excess water to pass through. If they don't, it is key to get them drilled from a nursery. Buy some saucers to place the pots on as they are easy to clean. You can also get colourful, decorative planters to add some sunshine to your garden.
Care for your plants: You may own a tiny kitchen garden, but that doesn't mean you ignore it. Be it small or big, a any garden requires care. Do not forget to fertilise your herbs and veggies every two months and prune them whenever needed. Also make sure the space is clean and devoid of water accumulation as it can call for mosquitoes. And most importantly water them as per their requirement.
Keep some breathing room: A common mistake that most newbies make is leave enough breathing room for the plants. Good air circulation is mandatory for the general well-being of a garden. Avoid putting your pots too close to each other and watch how they grow.